apa itu cinta???

<3 suatu rasa yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah untuk mewarnai kehidupan agar lebih ceria.Cinta tidak hanya untuk kekasih tetapi untuk semua....


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Thursday 22 August 2013

21 reason that show u are ready to the next stage in relationship

Entry kali ni kita speaking london yer.. sebenarnya ni copypaste dari satu laman dalam tenet jugak.Prof sangat tertarik dengan artikel ni... so Prof tergerak hati nak sharing dengan kamu semua...hopefully kamu enjoy juge la yer..

21. You have empathy

20. You've retired from the drama that comes with bad relationships and ready to have a real adult relationship

19. You attract a like-minded partner

18. You've defined relationship

17. You are not insecure

16. You are open minded and are accepting of criticism and growth

15. There is no part of who you are that you're willing to hide or be ashamed of to please someone else

14. You're willing to take a risk

13. You can think of the past and feel gratitude for what you've learned and identify how you'll proceed differently

12. You take your time getting to know someone

11. You smile a lot

10. You realise that a relationship is a want, not a need

9. You are strong and know what is right for you, declining the unwanted opinions of others


8. You don't have a list of must-haves

7. You feel complete and realize that there's nothing wrong with you

6. You're fulfilled in your friendships and know they're a good circle of affirmation for you

5. Your mood is stable - you don't let the tiniest things flip your life around

4. You're not jealous or resentful of people around you who are

 getting married or engaged

3. You act your age

2. You don't occasionally read messages from an old relationship

1. You can be with yourself

So amacam???rasa nak kawin dah ker?kalo yang dah sampai seru tu Prof ucapkan tahniah la yer..

P/S : Prof punyer seru Insya Allah coming soon.....

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